About Vision 2015
Vision 2015 is a bold and coherent plan designed to provide a world-class education to all public school students in Delaware. Developed in 2006 by a coalition of education, government, business and civic leaders throughout Delaware that formed the Vision Coalition, it also laid the foundation for Delaware’s first-place selection in the federal Race to the Top competition. Read the full plan and executive summary.
This nationally-acclaimed plan focused on excellence, equity, and accountability, placing the highest priority on what all students need to excel.

Vision 2015 Plan
The Vision 2015 plan set high expectations across the board, and to support these expectations focuses on six major elements:
- Setting high sights
- Investing in early childhood education
- Developing and supporting great teachers
- Empowering principals to be great school leaders
- Encouraging innovation and requiring accountability
- Establishing a simple and fair funding system
Nine years later, Delaware has moved on more than 75 percent of the policy recommendations set forth in the Vision 2015 plan. These include higher academic standards, stronger teacher and principal preparation, expanded early learning, and greater access to higher education and careers.
Click here to a link with Vision 2015 annual reports and issue briefs.