Get Involved
Your support is needed to help deliver on the promise of Student Equity and Excellence 2035. Find the key pillar or type of activity (learn, engage, advocate) that resonates most strongly for you, and take action.
Do you have an upcoming event or opportunity? Share them with us via this short survey.
Would you like members of the Vision Coalition Leadership Team to come to your next event or meeting to talk about Student Equity and Excellence 2035? Email us at info@visioncoalitionde.org and let us know.

- Read the plan – Student Equity and Excellence 2035
- Explore Vision Coalition Equity in Education Series and Delaware School Funding 101 websites
- Listen to the Middle Grades Podcast Episodes (S1 E6 & E7)
- Attend your local school board meeting & stay informed on local education decisions
- Review the Delaware Report Card to get a sense of the data
- Read the Rodel Educator Snapshot
- Read the Rodel Teacher Network’s Culturally Responsive Leadership research memo
- Know Your Rights as a Delaware citizen, via ACLU of Delaware
- Share Student Equity and Excellence 2035 with family and friends
- Interact with the Vision Coalition on social media – Facebook and Instagram) – and reshare our events and education policy and advocacy content
- Become a mentor for Delaware students
- Host a student in a work-based learning program through the Delaware Office of Work-Based Learning (OWBL)
- Find opportunities to lend your time on Volunteer Delaware
- Vote in upcoming elections for local, state and federal offices. School Board elections are on May 13 this year.
- Attend Early Childhood Advocacy Day
- Host a School Funding 101 Session (contact jzammith@rodelde.org to get started)
- Attend the Delaware Readiness Teams Monthly meetings – contact delawarereadinessteams@gmail.com
- Attend and support the Student Empowerment Conference
- Attend the Delaware Teacher Pathways Showcase event May 15
- Employers, be a part of career connected learning –Attend Navigating Delaware Pathways: An Education & Workforce Development Summit on April 29
- Volunteer with Junior Achievement as a mentor or for career exploration
- Attend the Multilingual Learner Virtual Conference on April 9-10
- Find your legislator tell them what education issues matter most to you
- Complete this form to send a message directly to elected officials about Early Childhood Education
- Host a site visit with legislator at your early care program – Contact Keda Dorisca (kdorisca@rodelde.org)
- Support the pipeline of educators in our state: tell your legislator to vote for HB 51 to expand apprenticeships
- Provide Public Comment at the Public Education Funding Commission meetings
- Become an ACLU Education Equity Ambassador