Get Involved
Your support is needed to help deliver on the promise of Student Success. There are many ways you can help prepare students for a lifetime of success. We invite you to find the core area or type of activity (learn, engage, advocate) that resonates most strongly for you, and look for ways you can contribute.
Please share opportunities your organization offers or that you know about by emailing
Read Student Success 2025.
Join the online conversation #StudentSuccess2025 and in-person.
Find out more about policies in each of the six core areas.
Early Learning
- Ask your early learning provider if they are participating in the Delaware Stars program.
- Visit to find a Delaware Stars program and other great information.
- Review Delaware’s Early Childhood Strategic Plan.
- Volunteer at your child’s early learning program.
- Read aloud to your child in order to promote emerging literacy and language development.
- Volunteer to read aloud to children one-on-one or donate books to Read Aloud Delaware.
- Join a Delaware Readiness Team.
- Find fun, age-appropriate activities to support children’s mental and physical development.
Personalized Learning
- Check out EdSurge’s community-driven database of education technology products.
- Take part in a Parent Information Center workshop or webinar for parents with children with disabilities to learn about the IEP process.
- Teachers can register for a free Schoology accounts for their classrooms.
- Read the Rodel Teacher Council’s Blueprint for Personalized Learning in Delaware.
- Try personalized learning for yourself through free online resources such as Hour of Code, Khan Academy, and Quizlet.
- Learn about how to support your child’s progress at and DelExcels.
- Teachers can learn about adopting and improving their blended learning practices with Relay’s blended learning modules and Digital Promise Microcredentials.
- Participate in Twitter chats #plchat and #delachat at Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. EST for conversations about personalized learning.
- Sign-up for EdSurge‘s and Hechinger Report‘s weekly newsletters about personalized learning.
- Teachers: Share your method of personalizing learning with other teachers and welcome parents into your classroom to observe a personalized setting.
- Support and engage in Delaware’s Del Excels coalition.
- Support a student intern/apprentice at your workplace or community organization, and ensure that student receives course credit for the experience.
- Advocate at your school/district for students to earn credit for out-of-school learning.
- Tell your representatives about the need to update the state’s technology infrastructure in schools, including broadband.
- Learn about the Delaware Education Technology Task Force.
- Advocate for policy changes and pilot programs to support personalized learning models.
Postsecondary Success
- Discover resources to help with your college search, the application process, and more from
- Explore what Delaware Pathways are available at which schools and how students can earn work-based learning experience.
- Review “Supporting Postsecondary Success in Delaware: A Landscape Analysis of Student Opportunities” to learn how well college and career readiness, advising, and support services are serving students across the state.
- Volunteer for College Application Month.
- Volunteer for programs run by Jobs for Delaware Graduates, Junior Achievement Delaware, and Delaware Futures.
- Become a College Champion with $tand by Me Financial Empowerment Program to provide support to students and families on the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Sign up to be an online career coach and answer questions about your company or job position through Success Pathways and Roads to Careers (SPARC).
- Visit to learn how to host a work-based learning experience for students.
- Mentor! There are several organizations that facilitate mentoring relationships: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware; Connecting Generations, and the Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League.
- Volunteer at Disabilities Mentoring Day.
- Encourage your school or workplace to participate in Decision Day to celebrate the success of high school seniors in pursuing post-secondary education.
- Attend the fourth annual Delaware Pathways Conference to learn how Delaware is connecting students to college and career options.
- Advocate for greater impact from scholarship programs like SEED and Inspire.
- Advocate at your school/district for students to earn credit for out-of-school learning.
Educator Support and Development
- Request a school tour in order to learn about its programs and initiatives.
- Visit the Delaware State Education Association’s website for helpful resources.
- Check out the DOE Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Unit (TLEU) reports and monthly data sets on educator support and development.
- Sign up for a Digital Promise Microcredential course to build skills in a variety of areas.
- Volunteer at schools and community-based organizations.
- Sit in on a class.
- Visit to find volunteer opportunities related to children and youth education.
- Submit nominations for educator award programs like Superstars in Education.
- Be a Principal for a Day.
- Advocate for innovation within educator preparation programs.
- Advocate for meaningful changes to educator support, development, and compensation and career paths.
- Attend and provide public comment at meetings that address educator support and development policies, such as the Committee to Advance Educator Compensation and Careers (CAECC), the Professional Standards Board (PSB), the Delaware Performance Appraisal System II (DPAS II) Advisory Committee, and others.
- Sign up for Teach Plus’s online module on policy and advocacy.
Fair and Efficient Funding
- Ask about dual enrollment opportunities in your area.
- Read DPPI.
- Read the LEAD Committee’s Report on Education Funding in Delaware and Leadership for Education Achievement in Delaware.
- Join the Citizen Budget Oversight Committee for your district or public charter school to help oversee its financial position.
- Donate to Delaware classrooms through Donors Choose, an online nonprofit with teacher submitted projects.
- Vote for school boards, which set local tax rates and make other important decisions about district budgets and personnel.
- Attend a meeting of the Education Funding Improvement Commission, and check out their webpage for resources.
- Advocate for greater impact from scholarship programs like SEED and Inspire.
- Advocate for property tax reassessment.
- Advocate for more flexible and fair funding.
System Governance, Alignment, and Performance
- Attend school board meetings to learn about the local issues affecting your school.
- Browse the school profiles on the Delaware Department of Education for information about district and school enrollment, students, and finance.
- Read the Wilmington Education Advisory Committee’s report “Strengthening Wilmington Education: An Action Agenda” to learn about governance of the Wilmington schools.
- Check out the Rodel Foundation of Delaware’s Legislative Monitor to learn about this session’s education-related legislation.
- Vote in local school board elections and referendums. Check out information for elections in New Castle County, Kent County, and Sussex County.
- Run for a school district board.
- Attend a Parent Information Center (PIC) of Delaware event.
- Serve on a charter school board or committee.
- Join the Delaware PTA/PTO and advocate for change.
- Take part in a Parent Information Center workshop or webinar for parents of school aged children to learn effective advocacy and activism skills.
- Contact your elected officials to let them know you support world-class schools in Delaware.
- Attend a meeting of the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission or one of its subcommittees.