Leadership Team
Kirsten Olson

Kirsten Olson is CEO of Children & Families First (CFF), a $27 million social services organization that operates statewide through Delaware. CFF’s mission is to help children facing adversity on their journey to adulthood, using proven methods to help families raise their children so they can flourish.
Ms. Olson has worked in the non-profit human services sector for more than 25 years, providing services and supports across a variety of target populations including the homeless, persons with behavioral health conditions, and youth in child welfare. She joined the staff of CFF in 2008, and held several roles at the organization, including grant writer, chief development officer, and chief strategy officer prior to becoming CEO in January 2020. Ms. Olson is an appointed member of the Delaware Early Childhood Council and also serves on Delaware’s Community Advisory Board for Home Visiting, the Board of Kids Count in Delaware, and the Board of the Children’s Home Society of America. She has a B.A. in sociology from Trinity College in Hartford, CT.
[headshot photo by: Erin Ingraffia Photography]