
Student Equity and Excellence 2035 Launch Event

Student Equity and Excellence 2035

Plan in English Plan en Español Plan an Kreyòl Ayisyen

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Celebrate the Launch of Delaware’s Next 10-Year Plan for Public Education

Help shape the future of education in the First State

The Vision Coalition of Delaware will launch a new 10-year plan for Delaware education on March 24 in Dover at the Del-One Conference Center at Delaware Technical Community College. Student Equity and Excellence 2035 is a policy roadmap informed by over 1,000 community members—from students and parents to educators, experts, state leaders, and more.

The coalition’s leadership team, a mix of public and private leaders that includes Sec. of Education Cindy Marten, will unveil the new plan at the gathering. The event will also showcase local students through performances, catering, and a panel discussion.

The plan contains a set of policy recommendations spread across six key issue areas—early care and education, student-centered learning, student supports, postsecondary success, educators, and student-centered funding. Which areas do you want to learn more about? Where are the opportunities to take action? Join the conversation and let Delawareans know.

The coalition’s previous 10-year plan, Student Success 2025, was launched in 2015. Its predecessor, Vision 2015, was released in 2005. To date, more than 70 percent of the policy recommendations from those plans have been advanced in Delaware.

Student Equity and Excellence 2035 is the culimation of years of public engagement, research, conversations, and debate. The process began in fall 2023 with a public survey, student focus groups, and virtual and in-person town hall events throughout the state. More than 180 local and national subject-matter experts provided input through working groups, a steering committee, and other engagements.

Mentimeter- Engage during the event!

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Topic Speakers
Registration and Networking with Coffee and Snacks

Welcome to Delaware Technical Community College


Bienvenidos a Delaware Technical Community College and Kickoff



Mark T. Brainard, President, Delaware Technical Community College


Delaware State University

Bettina Tweardy Riveros, Chair, Vision Coalition Leadership Team​, Chief Public Affairs Officer, Chief Health Equity Officer, ChristianaCare

Introduction of Governor

Governor Remarks

Aliyah Hermon, 8th Grade, Mariner Middle School

Matt Meyer, Governor of Delaware

Planning – How Did We Get Here? Kirsten Olson, Vision Coalition Leadership Team​, CEO, Children & Families First (CFF)
Equity Commitment Margie López Waite, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, CEO, ASPIRA Delaware
Progress in Public Education and North Star

Key Pillars

Shelley Rouser, Vision Coalition Leadership Team​, Professor for the Education Department, Delaware State University

Stephanie Ingram, Vision Coalition Leadership Team​, President, Delaware State Education Association


Gary Henry, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, Dean, College of Education and Human Development and professor in the School of Education and the Joseph R., University of Delaware

Student Panel Facilitator: Jon Cooper, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, Director of Health and Wellness, Colonial School District


  • Sage Sawhney, Caesar Rodney High School, State Board of Education
  • Melinda Gillespie, Mt. Pleasant High School
  • Lylie Bataille, Sussex Technical High School
  • Victor Medina, Aspira Charter High School
What’s Underway and Ahead for Delaware Cindy Marten, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, Delaware Secretary of Education
Get Engaged and Wrap
Dorrell Green, Vision Coalition Leadership Team, Superintendent, Red Clay Consolidated School District