
Encouraging Innovation in Teacher Preparation and Progress Made in Delaware Education

By on December 12, 2018


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When it comes to strengthening our schools and communities, meaningful change can only happen when we work together. This year, the Vision Coalition focused on the resulting magic that can happen when educators, community members, legislators, healthcare professionals, and students collaborate.

Thanks to those collective efforts, three years into the 10-year Student Success 2025 plan, there has been progress made toward 40 percent of the recommendations.

This year we saw big strides in Delaware Pathways and work-based learning, social and emotional learning, investments in early learning, and support for educators in high-need schools. That means more opportunities for thousands of local students and families.

Thanks for all your leadership and collaboration in 2018. There’s more progress to celebrate below, and we can’t wait to work with you again in the New Year!


Strengthening the Teacher Pipeline in Delaware

Preparing all students for the future begins with providing every educator with the preparation, development, and support to excel. Delaware, like the rest of the country, faces a challenge to ensure a high-quality, diverse K–12 workforce that meets the needs of its schools and students.


The TeachDE Advisory Council–a coalition of teachers, local education agency leaders, representatives from institutions of higher education and teacher preparation programs, and other community stakeholders–was launched in 2017 to identify the areas of progress and develop recommendations to strengthen Delaware’s teacher pipeline.

The recommendations were officially released at the 11th Annual Vision Coalition and University of Delaware Conference through a panel discussion, as well as a series of roundtable conversations.

Many of the recommendations in the TeachDE report align with the recommendations in Student Success 2025 such as:

  • Providing individualized and competency-based professional development for educators
  • Implementing residency programs to help aspiring educators gain experience
  • Recruiting educators to fill critical need subject areas

Both the recommendations in TeachDE and Student Success 2025 call for innovation, collaboration, and creative methods to strengthen the educator workforce in Delaware.

Learn More About TeachDE Here




State begins new push to encourage kindergarten registration
Last month, First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney launched Delaware’s first statewide kindergarten registration campaign alongside the Delaware Readiness Teams. As part of the campaign, Governor John Carney has proclaimed November Kindergarten Registration Month.
Throughout Kindergarten Registration Month, the Delaware Readiness Teams hosted several community events in all three Delaware counties to engage families and caregivers as well as distribute information on the registration and school choice process.



Delaware Pathways Grants to support high school career programs
Governor John Carney announced more than $438,000 in federal grants to expand high school career pathway programs. The statewide Delaware Pathways initiative aims to prepare students to excel in key industries that offer good job opportunities in today’s economy.
Carney joined Sussex Technical High School students and administrators in the school’s automotive technology shop to announce the 42 awards, which will benefit 20 districts or charter schools across the state.


New Castle County, Wilmington nonprofit receives support to reduce youth unemployment
Wilmington nonprofit West End Neighborhood House and New Castle County are expanding their career programs for area youth. For the second year in a row, West End and the county are receiving a $250,000 grant from Citi Foundation as part of an initiative to reduce unemployment among people ages 16-24.
The dollars will further fund programs offering paid work experiences to kids in Wilmington and countywide. This includes West End’s summer work program at Bright Spot Farms.



Troops to Teachers to help veterans, armed forces members transition to Delaware teaching careers
The Delaware Department of Education is partnering with New Jersey’s Troops to Teachers program to support the transition of veterans and members of the Armed Forces to teaching careers.
New Jersey recently received nearly $1 million in federal support over five years for its program, which will expand to Delaware.



Department of Education announces new school ratings, funding
The State of Delaware has released school ratings under its new system for measuring school performance. The assessment system is part of Delaware’s compliance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). It takes into account measures including graduation rates, English Learner progress, attendance, and college and career readiness, as well as English and math proficiency.


The Vision Coalition of Delaware is a coalition of public, private, and civic leaders committed to moving education forward for Delaware’s students. The Vision Coalition Leadership Team includes:
Tony Allen, Ph.D.
Provost, Delaware State UniversityJeffrey T. Benson, Jr.
President – One Direction Insurance – Benson Development Group, LLCSusan Bunting
Delaware Secretary of Education

Heath Chasanov
Superintendent, Woodbridge School District

Ernest J. Dianastasis
CEO, The Precisionists, Inc.

Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Farley-Ripple, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education and Public Policy in the School of Education and an Affiliate of the Institute for Public Administration at the University of Delaware

Dorrell Green
Director of Innovation and Improvement, Delaware Department of Education

Paul A. Herdman
President and CEO, Rodel Foundation of Delaware

Mark Holodick
Superintendent, Brandywine School District

Leslie Newman
Chief Executive Officer, Children & Families First of Delaware

Justina M. Sapna
Vice President for Academic Affairs at Delaware Technical Community College

Gary Stockbridge
President, Delmarva Power

Javier G. Torrijos
Chair, Delaware Hispanic Commission and Assistant Director of Construction at Delaware Department of Transportation

Margie López Waite
Head of School at Las Américas ASPIRA Academy